Activity 1.2: Managing your reflective learning

 Timing: Allow 90 minutes for this activity

Part 1

Make notes on your experience of using reflection to support your learning from practice. This could be based on your experience in the workplace or in another organisational setting such as a university or a voluntary or social organisation. You may find it helpful to think about times when this has worked well and when it has worked less well. Try to identify what helped you to draw value from this reflection and what hindered you. You may find it helpful to think about the following questions:

  • Did anyone help you with your reflections?
  • Did you use any theoretical models to help you to reflect?
  • Did you record your reflections?
  • Did you identify any actions as a consequence of these reflections?

Part 2

Try to identify at least three practices you will adopt as you study this module which will support your reflective practice. When you have done so, go to the TGF, where your tutor will have started a thread for this activity and post your own suggestions for effective reflective practice. You should also read the postings made by other members of your tutor group and try to respond to at least one of these.

There is no feedback for this activity.